
The Partnership between Disability Clinicians and Developmental Psychiatry

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Pauta do evento

The Children's Hospital at Westmead School-link Initiative concerning mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2019. During this presentation Lesley Whatson reflects on the power of collaboration.

    Lesley Whatson

    Lesley has been working in the disability sector since 1987 and has a special interest in the mental health of children and young people with intellectual disability. Lesley has been actively involved in the development of practice relating to interdisciplinary collaboration, family and systemic practice and trauma-informed frameworks for supporting people with intellectual disability; she has been providing training, supervision and mentoring in these areas for many years. Lesley has also worked at an organisational level, across government and non-government agencies, contributing to the development of policy and practice guidelines, and building the capacity of the sector to deliver Positive Behaviour Support. She currently is the Portfolio Manager Clinical Practice from SAL Consulting.