
How to do a clinical developmental assessment: A tribute to Lorna Wing

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This webinar is an introduction to assessing child development as a central skill to developmental psychiatry or understanding the significance of emotions and behaviour in children with intellectual disability, autism and other neurodevelopmental problems. Lorna Wing,  along with Judith Gould, wrote the Handicaps Behaviour Skills Schedule (HBS) in 1980 and the webinar outlines the importance and relevance of this assessment tool.  The HBS is briefly compared to the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised . Implications for adjustment and attachment will be outlined.

Sr. David Dossetor

David Dossetor is a British trained child psychiatrist with a special interest in intellectual disability and Autism and is team leader of the Developmental Psychiatry Team at Children’s Hospital at Westmead. He is Clinical Associate Professor at Sydney Medical School and for 14 years till recently he was the Area Director for Mental Health for Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. With the establishment of the small Developmental Psychiatry Team, he has worked to build capacity through collaboration and interagency partnerships in NSW over the last 25 years.